Monday, February 28, 2011

HMNMH connecting the dots.........................

There are two separate articles in our local newspaper concerning Henry Mayo Hospital leaving the reader to connect the dots. They are the front page controversial removal of Dr. Greg Jenkins, Deputy Chief of Staff, as a voting member of the Board of Directors, and tucked away on a back page an announcement of newly appointed Board member, Dr. Richard Corlin.

Why would Dr. Jenkins, who has lived and worked in Santa Clarita for 25 years, be eliminated from our hospital Board of Directors by someone who does not live nor work in our community? Let me bore you with some of the details.

Followers of the West Ranch Beacon “Henry Mayo Hospital Rant and Rave” are aware of the illegal and irresponsible hospital appointment of Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Susan Reynolds. The hospital insists the physician Medical Staff recommended her to the position. Going back to our core problem, The Joint Commission (TJC) sanctioned the hospital for poor communication between the Administration and Medical Executive Committee requiring a Mediator to intervene. Dr. Reynolds was recommended as a Mediator, to be paid jointly by both sides.

Stunningly, within two weeks of her acceptance, the hospital announced appointment of the Mediator as Chief Medical Officer (CMO) for a reported salary of $22,000 per month. Additionally, she was contracted to receive an additional $100,000 to find a permanent CMO. It was obvious the hospital could care less about the TJC sanction, and seemed ready to dangle money to gain influence.

With the hospital now fully paying her salary, it was not surprising Dr. Reynolds, under the guise of her title, ramped up their “game plan” and became a source to propagandize conflict and acrimony against the Medical Staff instead of enhancing communication.

Immediately, a new lengthy and vague “Code of Conduct” was adopted by the hospital Board of Directors supplanting the old one, giving the Administration power to falsely accuse, bully, and intimidate physicians. Nurses, who will testify in court to this, were solicited by Administration to create “incident reports” against doctors to trump up charges! I then had my own ironic experience with this growing outrage which is not so boring.

On February 9th, Roger Seaver, CEO, led an open “State of the Hospital” meeting in the cafeteria informing the public of activity related to nursing, construction, goals, etc. During this presentation, Dr. Reynolds stated a “change in the culture” where there would be no “yelling” tolerated, and “respectful dialog” would now be maintained. Mr. Seaver stated “I want the intimidation factor eliminated from this hospital”, and Board of Director Chair, James Hicken, concurred in his comments. Physicians have always felt this way, being held accountable at every level for our behavior.

Part of Mr. Seaver’s presentation revealed a “Vote of No Confidence” by the Medical Staff against the Administration and Board of Directors. This discussion, although contentious, was a valid exchange of opinions by doctors, Board members, and Administration.

As I turned to address Mr. Hicken seated toward the back of the cafeteria, a hospital Administrator, seated about five feet behind me, chimed in yelling “You called me a crook and a liar!” and continued this haranguing and finger pointing for about 20 seconds. (I believe he was referring to my WRB “Rant and Rave” postings which has not called anyone “a crook and a liar”...yet.)

What was bothersome and disconcerting is Dr. Reynolds, Roger Seaver, and Mr. Hicken observed this behavior without once intervening, even though they had just criticized this type of intimidation. How they expect to have a “change in the culture” when those advocating this change are not impressed to affect those around them presents a difficult slope to climb.

Returning to our original question and trying to connect the dots to the new hospital Board member: Dr. Reynolds is also the President and CEO of The Institute for Medical Leadership, and going to that website you will find on her organization’s faculty Dr. Richard Corlin. Anyone surprised? Not only do we have an outsider now on the Board and your local physicians have lost a vote, but this reminds the community of past dubious indiscretions by Roger Seaver and his involvement with Beverly Hill’s G&L Realty.

Radio personality and columnist Michael Josephson, honorably promotes “character counts”. All of us make mistakes and cross the line, but how we handle these mistakes and accumulated experiences influence the evolving of our character and growth into better people.

The hospital Administration and Board of Directors is crossing the line too often...ignoring sanctions, dangling money, and creating a bullying environment. Connecting the dots exposes them queuing up giving favoritism as they scratch each others back.

We typically reserve the term “bully” to kids and young adults. But does everyone evolve out of this behavior as their character grows? To answer this, one must just look at the Administration and Board of Directors at Henry Mayo Hospital.

Gene Dorio, M.D.- Guest Commentary

Gene Dorio, M.D., is a local physician. His commentary represents his own opinions and not necessarily the views of any organization he may be affiliated with or those of the West Ranch Beacon. You can also see more of Dr. Dorio’s commentaries on Henry Mayo Newhall Memorial Hosipal at  


  1. Mike Says:
    February 28th, 2011 at 8:41 am e
    Thank you to the West Ranch Beacon for being a voice of the community. I hope that more of this information can be released to the public. The community should be hearing more about what is happening at the local hospital. We all deserve better then what is going on at HMNMH. Seaver and the board are putting their own payday ahead of good health care.

  2. 2.SCVAngel Says:
    February 28th, 2011 at 11:59 am e
    The hospital is mediocre at best and with the nurses being forced into “team nursing” to save money it will continue to be subpar. I’ll go to Valley Pres if I need to go into the hospital rather than take my chance at Henry Mayo. What a travesty this hospital is!

  3. 3.Concerned Citizen Says:
    February 28th, 2011 at 12:19 pm e
    The affects everyone in the SCV! We need our doctors controlling OUR hospital. We do NOT need laypersons making important medical decisions for us, nor their cronies. What is it going to take to make the hospital administrators understand this? I would hate to see all of our doctors walk out!

  4. 4.Glenn Says:
    February 28th, 2011 at 2:18 pm e
    A first class community like ours deserves a first class hospital. Sadly that is not the case. I know the WRB will continue to expose the shenanigans going on at Henry Mayo. We can only hope this will result in some real reforms taking place and we get a facility we can all be proud of. Right now, like SCVAngel, if I have a choice I am going to Holy Cross or Valley Pres.

  5. February 28, 2011 9:22 AM
    My brother was in this hospital last week after an auto accident and it was a terrible experience. This excuse for a hospital (they should change the name, as the word derives from a latin word hospitalis, meaning "guest-house"), is more a prison, where you push the call button and scream and cry and no one comes to help you. This facility is more concerned with doing their paperwork. than aiding the ill that they are suppose to serve. I visited my brother several times, had to clean him myself, he was covered in blood for 2 days while he waited for a room to become available. He laid in a hallway for over a day, on a gurney, until he was moved to a partitioned area in the emergency room. When he finally got a room, he stayed in the same bedding, in the same dirty clothes, and was bloody all over his face and neck until I cleaned him off. The internist released him without writing a prescription for pain medicine, because he didn't want to take responsibility for dealing with his doctor at Kaiser to get approval for a medicine. This left me, not a doctor, trying to get medicine from two medical institutions, while my brother, traumatized and recently having undergone plastic facial surgery, lay screaming in the back of my car. What kind of a place is this? This is appalling and inexcusable.
    The plastic surgeon seemed to do a good job, but I never saw him visit after he did the procedure. He was able to repair my brother's face so that the scar will be on a natural line above his lip. I wanted to have something positive to say if it was warranted.

  6. 45 Year Resident KS
    2011/03/02 at 4:04 pm
    I have lived in this community for 45 years and watched it grow. I’ve also known all the great doctors who have dedicated their lives to this community with top-notch care, who don’t care about the almighty dollar in their pocket, but truly care about their patients. Now that the doctors speak up for US, their patients, they get kicked out. Talk and get booted. Don’t stand up for patients, keep quiet and you’ll get a big office at a cut rate with a view by Seaver! One of those great doctors who takes a stand for US, along with Dr. Dorio, is Dr. John Cocco, who takes care of many elderly patients in this town but now cannot see his patients in the ER nor the hospital because of this travesty happening in OUR hospital. Dr. Cocco and his patients are suffering. IT’S NOT RIGHT! To me that’s elder abuse. We need to unite and conquer. The City of Bell is happening here in our hospital.
